
Master Level educated data science student with Deep Learning and Google Data Analytics specialization.
Accomplished projects leader in 4 subjects and achieved more than 2 projects best score in the class of over 20 groups of data scientist.
Good attitude and hardworking.

Created Full-Featured
Social Media Site

Created a full-featured social media website Written APIs such as Voting Polls, Blogposts, Job Market, Profiles Network, Like-Comment-Share, Notification, Search and Send Message. Implemented by Django, AWS S3, Python, HTML, Bootstrap, CSS & JavaScript.

Achieved over 60 users.

Movie Recommender System

MSc Data Science Academic Project

Project lead in a team of 4 to build a movie recommender system using Python programming.

We used unsupervised learning technique, which are clustering and association rules mining to extract insights on over 25 million instances of data to identify what movie users like to watch next. Implemented algorithms such as Apriori Algorithm and K-means Clustering.

Listed as the top 3 exemplary projects out of over 20 groups of projects submission.

Prediction of Parkinson’s Disease

MSc Data Science Academic Project

Project lead in a team of 4 to build a Parkinsons' UPDRS prediction system using R programming.

We have implemented regression prediction such as Random Forest Regression, Support Vector Machine & K-Nearest Neighbors Regression.

Overcome challenges of parameters tuning & achieved best project score of over 20 groups

Diet Proportions Optimisation

MSc Data Science Academic Project

We used Simplex method of Linear Programming technique, to build a diet plan system, which satisfy nutritions goal while minimise the meal cost to overcome obesity problem in Malaysia.

This project objective is to design meal plan on behalf of hospital for dieting customer with lowest cost under daily nutrient intake constraint.

Thus, customers can enjoy hassle-free meals while satisfying calories and nutrients goals. Meanwhile, hospital side can gain new profit streaming, new value-added service, increased customers base, and minimum ingredient cost by the monthly signup preventive healthcare diet plan.

More About Me

  • Contact

    Linkedin: My LinkedIn profile


  • Technologies

    Numpy, Pandas, Git, Scikit-Learn, Django, Flask, SAP, Matplotlib, Linux, Tidyverse, Adam, Tensorflow, YOLO algorithm, GRU, LSTM, Transformer, Heroku, AWS S3, Google Cloud AI

  • Languages

    Python, R, SQL, HTML, CSS, Java, Linux, Java Script

  • Favorite Music

    Songs by HongKong celebrity Leslie Cheung

  • Hobbies

    Coding, Learn New Technologies, Make YouTube Videos

  • Major Achievements

    Successfully proposed “Split Bill” in Maybank MAE, which was launched with over 1 million downloads

    Created social media site,

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